“My drug habit will save us all, I promise,” or, a review of Take Me Tomorrow

I love drugs. Wait, let me rephrase that. I love reading about the drug industry. The people who take them are moderately interesting, but it’s the drugs themselves and the people who sell them that really fascinate me.

Hence my excitement when I heard of Take Me Tomorrow, by Shannon A. Thompson. Drugs + dystopia? Count me in, please and thank you. While Take Me Tomorrow didn’t completely live up to my expectations, there were things I really appreciated, such as the thread of moral ambiguity running through the narrative.

But first, the plot. Like many YA dystopias, it takes place in an America different from the one we know now. Take Me Tomorrow sets itself apart, however, by centering the story around a drug, tomo. Tomo’s origins are mysterious, but its effects are not: users can see the future, which the current regime does not like at all. As a result, the authorities have declared war on tomo and its…ah, fans. Continue reading “My drug habit will save us all, I promise,” or, a review of Take Me Tomorrow